Working Together with Schools

Continuous Development

Schools have been integral partners in shaping the programme since its inception. The programme incorporates a robust system to consistently gather feedback from schools, students, and various stakeholders. This feedback loop ensures ongoing enhancements to the program, serving as a dynamic entrepreneurship platform and catalyst for students' skills development. The programme is committed to collaborating closely with schools to continually enhance its career offerings

Training of teachers and career advises: The Entrepreneurs programme offers comprehensive training for school coordinators, thereby enhancing the support system available to schools students. Additionally, it equips educators with up-to-date knowledge and expertise across various aspects of entrepreneurship. This enables teachers to integrate relevant concepts into their other classes and share valuable insights with students through related curriculum programs such as business studies, design and technology, economics, computer science, and more

  • The Entreprenerds Forum

    • The Forum is for Educators of Entrepreneurship at the Pre-university levels.

    • Organising Webinars and one annual forum.

    • Share best practices and promote the ideals of raisig the bar of entrepreneurship education community

    • Provide networking opportunity for educator and career adviser to connect with their international peers

    • Provide training to teachers and career advisers on Entrepreneurship

    • Allow teachers to experience directly the framework of disciplined entrepreneurship


    Use this to showcase testimonials. Use bold for transformation focused lines of text. If you have permission to use their photos, you can add those too! Testimonials are essential for your website and showing how impactful your work is! If this is a new business and you don’t have any yet, offer your signature offer for free or a huge discount to begin collecting real testimonials, transformations, case studies, and results! Some tips for getting more testimonials: asking for them in the middle of the container/package, rather than only after it’s over and asking for them on a wrap up call while recording it! Make it as easy as possible for your clients! This improves the client experience and your business at the same time.



    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.