For Schools

Entrepreneurship Education

We are committed to raising the bar of entrepreneurship education. We have developed our programme based on the MIT Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework, renowned as the most comprehensive and impactful guide for entrepreneurship education.

Our adaptation of this programme is grounded in rigorous research tailored to the realities of pre-university education and students. Through these initiatives, alongside our Forum of Educators and the MIT Entrepreneurship  Education Community, we have established a dynamic system for continuous improvement and updates to our programmes

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  • Ready-made programme

    The programme has been meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate into existing curriculums, boasting an extensive support system. This includes comprehensive concept explanations, detailed task instructions, customisable templates, engaging videos, insightful interviews, rigorous assessments, thorough evaluations, and a constructive feedback loop. Leveraging the expertise of our technology partner, these resources will be delivered in a state-of-the-art platform. Additionally, we will provide extensive training for programme coordinators and ensure ongoing support throughout the duration of the programme

  • Sign up for our FREE introduction to Entrepreneurship

The collective wisdom of a collaborative, humble, and diverse group will always exceed that of a single genius/organisation”

Bill Aulet, MIT Martin Trust of Entrepreneurship

Entreprenerds Delivery Format

Entreprenerd is a thorough programme modelled after a proven MIT framework and tailored for pre-university students. It is designed to be seamlessly integrated into schools in various formats:

  • Practical Support for Business Studies, DT, or Economics: Serving as a lab equivalent, this format allows students to apply their knowledge in Business Studies, Design Technology, or Economics. Additionally, it encompasses practical applications of other subjects learned in school, such as Numeracy, English, and Computer Science.

  • Elective Subject: This option introduces students to entrepreneurship, regardless of their other courses. The programme's comprehensive and practical nature ensures that students grasp key concepts and develop essential skills.

  • Extracurricular Activity: Offered as an extracurricular option, Entreprenerds Foundation is divided into six tracks, aligning with the academic year (half terms). These tracks cover all 10 gates of the program.


3 hour a week commitment

Each format requires a 3-hour commitment per week from students. We provide a robust support system, including a success manager and mentors to assist students on their journey. Additionally, we offer extensive support to schools that adopt the programme as part of their curriculum, including teacher training and career advisor training.

The Entreprenerds Forum 

This is the Forum for Educators of Entrepreneurship at the Pre-university level and organises webinars and an annual forum to share best practices and promote high standards in entrepreneurship education. It provides networking opportunities for educators and career advisers to connect with international peers and offers training on entrepreneurship. Additionally, it allows teachers to directly experience the Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework.

Enhance Career Provision

  • Entrepreneurship as a viable career option

    Entrepreneurship as a viable career option: Entreprenerds Various offers a compelling opportunity for young students to experience the path of starting a business as a viable and rewarding career choice

    ✓ Employability skills : Through real-world work experience, students acquire, develop and enhance over 80 skills as they engage with various tasks within the challenge. This improves their prospects in any career they choose

  • • Strengthening career development initiative

    ✓ The programme's structure, format, and content align impeccably with various metrics and benchmarks commonly utilised by schools to evaluate their career development initiatives. These include the Gasby Benchmarks, PHSE Agenda, Employability Skills, and Institute of Career Development Framework. Moreover, the programme establishes entrepreneurship as a viable career path for students. By integrating with established school frameworks and bolstering the skills already acquired by students, the challenge enhances the overall suite of development initiatives available to them. In conjunction with the skills acquired, these aspects further reinforce the range of developmental initiatives offered by the school to its students.

    • Equity programme: The Entreprenerds Challenge provides schools with automatic equity in ventures launched by their teams. This arrangement ultimately facilitates securing funding for the school's participation in the different programmes and Skills development initiatives