How Reading Builds Entrepreneurial Intelligence

When we think of successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or Elon Musk, what often comes to mind are their groundbreaking innovations and business acumen. But there’s another common thread they all share: a deep, unwavering commitment to reading. Gates famously devours 50 books a year, Zuckerberg has set public reading challenges, and Musk attributes much of his knowledge to books. For these entrepreneurs, reading has been a transformative force—a kind of superpower. But what does this mean for teens aspiring to follow in their footsteps? Can cultivating a habit of reading be as powerful for them, and how do they start?. I wil be sharing lessons from my own experience.

The Power of Reading

Reading offers a unique way to access the knowledge and experiences of others, opening doors to new ideas and perspectives. For teens, tapping into this habit early can be a game changer. Books provide tools for problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity—qualities that are essential for entrepreneurial success. In a world dominated by social media and quick fixes, learning to focus on long-form content helps develop patience and depth of understanding, qualities that every successful entrepreneur needs.

The Long Game and How to Build the Habit of Reading

Building a reading habit, like entrepreneurship, is a long-term pursuit. It’s not about how fast you can do it, but how consistent you are. I’ve personally found ways to integrate reading into my daily life, juggling projects in international affairs and entrepreneurship education.

Reading doesn't have to be a chore. Make it enjoyable by finding books that genuinely interest you. Experiment with different formats like audiobooks and e-readers to fit reading into your busy schedule.

Over the last decade, I’ve read more than 200 books using mainly audiobooks and kindle. By leveraging ‘dead time’—like while running, walking the dog, commuting on the underground, during flights, and waiting in airports—I clock about at least 10 hours of reading each week. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, but I can honestly say it’s had a profound impact on my thinking and decision-making. The beauty of this approach is that even when life is hectic, you’re always moving forward, feeding your mind and expanding your knowledge base. This has empowered me to make connections and see opportunities that I might have otherwise missed.

Choosing the Right Books

When it comes to choosing books, variety is key. As entrepreneurs, we operate in complex environments that require us to think broadly. I read about almost everything—from history and philosophy to AI, technology, psychology, geography, fiction, and even parenting. This broad spectrum fuels entrepreneurial intelligence, helping you connect dots across disciplines, something that is essential in today’s fast-evolving world.

It's tempting to stick to business and self-help books, but don't limit yourself. Explore different genres and  you will be surprised how seemingly unrelated topics can spark new ideas and connections.

For teen entrepreneurs, I recommend starting with what interests you most, then expanding from there. Pick up books on entrepreneurship, biographies of founders, or even novels that explore creative problem-solving. As your reading habit grows, so will your ability to engage with diverse ideas and think critically.

Why Reading is an Entrepreneur’s Superpower

Reading is one of those rare habits that empowers you on multiple levels. It sharpens your mind, enriches your emotional intelligence, and broadens your perspective. As entrepreneurs, we are constantly solving problems, navigating uncertainty, and staying ahead of the curve. Reading equips us with the intellectual agility to do just that.

For teens looking to build their entrepreneurial path, making reading a habit could be the single most impactful investment in their future. Like entrepreneurship itself, it’s a marathon—a long-term pursuit that, over time, builds the kind of intelligence that drives success.

Expanding Your Entrepreneurial Intelligence

I used to believe that reading should be strictly focused on my immediate work. I was wrong. Embracing diverse subjects has broadened my entrepreneurial intelligence, fueling my creativity and problem-solving skills.

Reading is more than just a pastime; it's an investment in your future. So, pick up a book, open your mind, and start your journey toward becoming a well-rounded, informed, and empowered entrepreneur.

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