Over 80 Skills Acquired

The Entreprenerds programmes are designed to nurture aspiring entrepreneurs by guiding students through a comprehensive journey towards launching their own businesses.

This journey comprises a series of tasks that not only lead students toward entrepreneurship but also help them develop and refine a diverse set of skills. The skills acquired during the challenge, coupled with the entrepreneurial mindset cultivated, are poised to have a significant positive impact on students' professional careers  

Over 80 Skills

Over 80 Skills were identified through the diverse tasks students undertook during the different Entreprenerds programmes, revealing the essential skills required for launching a business. By mapping the skills utilised across the challenge, we identified 16 skill sets characterised by common denominators. These skill sets encompass a wide range of competencies crucial for success in entrepreneurship and professional endeavours

Here is the list of the 16 skill sets emphasised in the challenge

Utilising data from over 80 skills across 16 skill sets, the Entreprenerds Skills Index rewards students' proficiency levels and progress in each skill set and individual competency. This assessment evaluates students' mastery across all skills, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Similarly, the team's performance, as gauged by the Entreprenerds Skills Index score, aids in identifying correlations between skill sets and the success rates and performance of entrepreneurial teams. The challenge has established a system to identify and integrate new skills into the index, ensuring it remains updated and reflective of evolving entrepreneurial demands

The Metrix For Success:

  • Entrepreneurship as a Viable Career Option

    Introducing Entrepreneurship as a Viable Career Option:

    Opening doors to entrepreneurship as a viable career path. Enhancing opportunities for individuals to pursue entrepreneurship as a career. Democratising entrepreneurship by providing accessible pathways.

    Enhancing Employability :

    Participants will acquire and develop more than 80 essential skills and competencies throughout the programme

    Improving Career Prospects:

    The program encompasses all Gatsby benchmarks and offers a year-long work experience, totalling over 270 hours, on real projects

  • Guidance from Mentors and role models :

    Students will have access to mentors and the opportunity to connect with accomplished professionals throughout the programme

    Expanding Contacts and Networking Opportunities:

    Students cultivate a broad network of contacts by engaging with various stakeholders throughout the programme, including peers from other schools

    Confidence to express their potential:

    Students will tackle challenge tasks within an environment mirroring real-world work settings. This familiarity and achievement will enhance students' resilience in confronting challenges throughout their career and life journeys

    Establish Lifelong Learning Mindset:

    Students earn certificates and badges not only for completing programs but also for demonstrating skills and competencies through specific tasks. This approach fosters a lifelong learning mindset, continuously enhancing their professional portfolio and showcasing their evolving expertise

Enhance your career prospect in any field

  • Workplace of the 21st Century

    The programme combines in-person sessions at the school level with interactive opportunities online and in the Metaverse platforms.

    This mirrors the modern professional landscape where professionals operate in a multiplatform hybrid work environment, blending in-person and online interactions seamlessly.

    Through this programme, students gain exposure to real-world workplace dynamics, preparing them for the complexities of contemporary professional settings.

  • Students Portfolio

    As a comprehensive record of the student's journey throughout the Entreprenerds programmes, showcasing their roles, performance, and achievements across various tasks. It includes their levels in the Entreprenerds Skills Index, highlighting areas for development and growth.

    The portfolio also incorporates journals, reflections, scribbles, and pictures capturing moments during the challenge. Through these elements, the portfolio provides concrete examples of the student's abilities and performance, making it a valuable resource for future employment opportunities. Additionally, it helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, both in entrepreneurial endeavours and professional growth, while fostering self-awareness and a lifelong learning mindset

  • Enhance University Applications

    Entreprenerds programmes can significantly enhance students' university applications by providing them with practical entrepreneurial skills and experiences that set them apart from their peers. By participating in Entreprenerds Foundation, Entreprenerds Challenge, and Entreprenerds Gateway, students gain hands-on experience in developing and managing projects, demonstrating initiative, leadership, and problem-solving abilities.

    The program's emphasis on real-world applications of business, economics, and technology subjects showcases students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Additionally, the program fosters critical soft skills such as teamwork, resilience, and cultural understanding, all of which are highly valued by university admissions committees.

    The comprehensive support system, including mentorship and success management, ensures students can articulate their experiences and achievements effectively in their personal statements and interviews, thereby enhancing their overall university applications.

  • Certificates, badges, and Lifelong Learning Mindset

    In addition to earning a certificate for completing each programme, students also receive certificates and badges for successfully completing tasks in various skill sets. These recognitions serve as tangible proof of their achievements and proficiency in specific areas, highlighting their dedication and mastery of essential competencies. T

    his system not only motivates students to excel in their learning journey but also enhances their portfolios, making them more attractive to future educational institutions and employers.

    By accumulating these credentials, students build a comprehensive profile that showcases their practical skills and commitment to continuous personal and professional development.