Gap Year Entreprenerds

“A gap year is a journey to discover yourself, gain new perspectives, and prepare for the future with clarity and purpose- Discover Your Entrepreneurial Potential”

Why Choose Entrepreneurship During Your Gap Year?

Taking a gap year is a fantastic opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. With the Entreprenerds comprehensive programme, you can gain hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, turning your ideas into reality while building essential skills for your future career.

Programme Overview

"Entreprenerds for Gap Year Students" is a unique, immersive program combining two of our flagship Programmes: Entreprenerds Foundation and Entreprenerds Gateway. This program is specifically designed to equip gap year students with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to thrive in the entrepreneurial world.

Make Your Gap Year Count - JOIN NOW

At Entreprenerds, we’re dedicated to helping you transform your gap year into a powerful and impactful experience. By focusing on entrepreneurship, you’ll not only make the most of this unique time in your life but also set the stage for a successful future.

Are you ready to take the first step on your entrepreneurial journey?

Why Choose Entrepreneurship During Your Gap Year?

  • Explore and Innovate Without Pressure

    A gap year frees you from academic deadlines, giving you the perfect environment to experiment with your business ideas. This is your chance to test concepts, learn from failures, and refine your strategies in the real world. Whether you’re just exploring your entrepreneurial potential or ready to dive into a specific idea, this time can be transformative.

  • Develop Essential Life Skills

    Entrepreneurship is more than starting a business; it’s a comprehensive learning experience. You’ll develop critical skills like problem-solving, leadership, financial literacy, and resilience—skills that are invaluable in any career path. These experiences will not only prepare you for future challenges but also make you stand out to employers and academic institutions.

  • Build a Strong Professional Network

    Entrepreneurship opens doors to a world of connections. During your gap year, you’ll have the opportunity to meet mentors, industry experts, and like-minded peers. These relationships can provide you with advice, support, and opportunities that will extend far beyond your gap year.

  • Gain an Edge in University Applications

    Universities are increasingly looking for students who demonstrate initiative, creativity, and the ability to take risks. By showcasing your entrepreneurial experiences, you’ll highlight your drive, ambition, and practical skills—qualities that can make your application stand out in a competitive field.

Join our Entreprenerds Foundation Programme

How to make your gap year worthwhile

  1. Hands-On Experience: Practical workshops, real-life projects, and business simulations to apply what you learn.

  2. Expert Mentorship: Guidance from seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts.

  3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, mentors, and potential investors.

  4. Skill Development: Build critical skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, and financial literacy.

  5. Flexible Learning: Tailored to suit the unique needs of gap year students, with a mix of in-person and online sessions

Programme Structure:

The Entrepreneurship for Gap Year Students is based on our Entreprenerds 10 gates and is a combination of two programmes taken in succession :

1-     The Entreprenerds Foundation ( Online )  is a 10 Gates comprehensive practical pathway to entrepreneurship, enabling students to grasp key concepts, experiment with business ideas, and collaborate with diverse teams

It is a 6-9 moths online programme that require 3-5 hours commitment per week

2-     Entreprenerds Gateway ( In Person)  : Entreprenerds Gateway is an intensive 2-week in-person boot camp where students progress through all Entreprenerds Gates, culminating in a demo day where they present their projects.

  • Programme Outcome

    Grasp Fundamental Entrepreneurship Concepts: Gain a thorough understanding of key phases and concepts involved in launching a business venture.

    Enhance Entrepreneurial Skills: Develop essential entrepreneurial skills that are crucial for career advancement in any field.

    Support Educational and Career Goals: Strengthen your future education or university application with practical entrepreneurial experience.

    Access Mentorship and Coaching: Benefit from personalised mentorship and expert coaching to guide your entrepreneurial journey.

     Join a Global Entrepreneurial Network: Become part of a growing international community of aspiring entrepreneurs, offering valuable networking opportunities.

    Cultivate Resilience and a Growth Mindset: Build resilience and adopt a growth mindset to overcome challenges and achieve long-term success.

    Students are thoroughly equipped to embark in launching a business venture.

How to Enrol

The program has no prerequisites, making it accessible to all pre-university students interested in learning about entrepreneurship. It provides the essential concepts and practical applications needed to navigate the various stages of launching a new venture. It's normal for participants to feel more confident in some aspects of the process than others and to need more effort in certain areas. The key requirement is a commitment from learners to dedicate 4-6 hours per week throughout the program.

The first part of the program, Entreprenerds Foundation, begins on September 16th. Students can start anytime after this date and progress through the course at their own pace online.

The second part, Entreprenerds Gateway, is scheduled for April 2025. To participate in this segment, students must have made significant progress in the Entreprenerds Foundation course.

To apply, students must complete an application form, which includes a personal statement about their motivation for joining.